yesterday, our boss invited us to $hang%Ri%La hotel.. his wife nye office had makan2 sempena raye...memula aku mcm malas nak gi coz aku puasa..then my bos said..takper..kite gerak lambat the time we reached there..u dah boley buka puasa...baiklah bos...for the first round we ate sajian² wajib ade mase raye such as: ketupat, lontong, rendang(ade lebih dr 3 jenis rendang aku rase die org serve),satay...second round: his wife suggested us to take aku malas nk aku amik asam laksa..perghh..sedap arr.. yg paling klakar nyer..die org ni xde counter for drink..his wife said that kite boley mintak je our drink kat waiter tu..memula kite org nk..lemonade..xde kak..coke..xde kak..muke kite org dah start pelik..sirap..xde jugak..last² kite org tanye air ape yg ade..? hahaha..

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