as in the previous entry...aku telah berada kat Penang for 5 days...gerak dr umah pkl 6..aku plak g janji ngan my officemate pkl 6 dah kat KL sentral...sian je..die tunggu..we managed to take ERL @ 7am..reached KLIA around 730am camtu...pusing² tgk..our supervisor x smpi lagi...kite org duk pening mane nak pi amik ticket..yerlahh...dah lamer tak naik M*A*S...uhuhhu..tgk org duk gune self kiosk ticketing tuh..kite org pun try arr...senang giler..xyah susah²...since kite org nye ticket by dpt laa 3 tiket skali...after check in our bag..we all trus masuk for boarding..sempat gah singgah perfume shop..but did'nt managed to grab anything since the SA tu sibuk duk follow kite org...kalau sorang takper dah smpi 2-3 SA..x ker rimas name nyer....reached Penang around 11am...get a cab, straight away went to our first time aku pi HQ..after one year kat sini...ngantuk giler..but still kena run thru the manual dulu...

after 6pm..trus pi check in hotel kat City*BayView,Georgetown...before check in kite org g tapau kat food court nearby for our buka puasa...malam tu just turun kejap..carik 7E..x jumpe plak..just jumpe Happy*Mart...the hotel actually walking distance je nak g office..senang arr..jalan kaki je..

for tuesday..kite org buka puasa kat Restoran Ha*me*ed..just nearby the hotel..aku try roti john yg kunun nye sedap tapiiiiiiiiiiiiii..indah kabar dr rupa...

wednesday: we went to Chow*Rasta* bazaar @ Jln Pe*nang..beli jeruk aa ape x snap picca pun..coz g pun with staff kat just grab jeruk yg di pesan..tapau for buka..then die org antar kite org balik hotel..

thursday: ni special sket...coz my collegue dpt contact one of her uni mates yg keje kat member die ni laa bwk kite org jenjalan the whole nite..siap belanja kite org makan seafood lagi..bwk g Queensbay, Batu feringgi nite market,n finally Gurney Drive...yg Gurney Drive to just lalu je..coz dah lewat..sian kat die..dah ar esok keje kan..kite org pun nak packing barang nak balik...tq so much...

Friday: pagi dah check out...of course arr kan..our flight supposed to be kite org n gerak laa from office pkl 4 camtu..ngan harapan mane tau kalau dpt flight pkl 5 lebey ke kan..sesampai kat airport..we been informed that..flight 6.40pm cancel n kite org kena naik flight 7.40pm nye..bengang giler...nak access wi-fi tetiba pda tu x boley plak..bertambah bosan laa kan..i managed to grab new perfume for me n my mum..SA tu kater MAS jarang nak cancel..maybe kite org was unlucky to get it...then around 7pm camtu..we were informed..flight for 740pm was delayed to 820pm..time tu mmg smua dah bengang jer..bayangkan..from CANCEL..then DELAYED..ape kah itu..dugaan di bulan puasa..finally kite org touch down KLIA almost 910pm..nasib naik airbus..laju sket from boeing kan...huhuhu..amik ERL n my BF fetch me kat KL Sentral...

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