the school break already started...conpem most of the parent bring their children for holiday kan..teringat zaman dulu2..mase aku sekolah..pantang kalau ade cuti sekolah, conpem pi pulau memaner..n setiap kali nak p jenjalan..setiap kali tu laa nak pi cari baju tido baru..aku pun x tau naper..hahaha...bile cuti sekolah ni, aku bley gerak lambat sket dr umah..jalan a bit clear..but the monorail sure super duper pack especially mase balik..aduhaii..bebdk ni time org balik keje laa die org pun sibuk nak balik gak...cube laa balik b4 org balik keje..kan senang..xyah ko nak menjerit2 kat pintu tu...Hurmph

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last saturday just accompany my BF beli brg2 keperluan aku pun turut serta menyumbang brg2 aku dlm trolley die..x byk pun...then, malam nye plak..his fren ade invite us for bbq sempena dah abis blaja n birthday kat gombak setia...we went there after maghrib...syiok xde pic laa...

ahad plak..duk umah je pun...kemas baju2 aku tuh...smbil tgk tv..x bley kluar pun..since kete aku dah dirembat oleh my parent plak dah terbang ke Kuching..esok baru balik..sempena my dad nye birthday...die org mmg camtu..kalau ade special date je sure xduk umah..ntah memane ntah die org gi...

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-- congrats to benyek on his engagement (16/8)...who will be next..?? --

pic by courtesy from benyek

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-- pic during wedding alin --

pic by courtesy from benyek


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