i was on leave 2day...smalam smpi umah around 9pm...
ok..actually, kite org gerak balik AS on 24th Jan...gerak from my house pkl 1am..kite org balik ber3 (me n him n his brother)...spt yg dijangka..highway ade lahh sesak ngan umat2 yg juge ingin menikmati festive rebate yg aku x tau ade ke x..sbb kite org gune TnG..plus aku x drive..so maybe time smpi tol aku ade lahh pejam mate disebelah...RnR penuh sesak...tp syiok arr..aku suker..mcm meriah jer..yerlahh..utk org yg mcm aku ni kan..duk ulang alik Rwg-KL everyday..bosan tau...
ok..actually, kite org gerak balik AS on 24th Jan...gerak from my house pkl 1am..kite org balik ber3 (me n him n his brother)...spt yg dijangka..highway ade lahh sesak ngan umat2 yg juge ingin menikmati festive rebate yg aku x tau ade ke x..sbb kite org gune TnG..plus aku x drive..so maybe time smpi tol aku ade lahh pejam mate disebelah...RnR penuh sesak...tp syiok arr..aku suker..mcm meriah jer..yerlahh..utk org yg mcm aku ni kan..duk ulang alik Rwg-KL everyday..bosan tau...

so we reached AS around 7am...smpi je singgah g beli breakfast n di sambut oleh parent beliau...as usual after breakfast...mari kite ke pasar...sesi membeli ikan/ayam/sayur...dn kemudian mase utk meng Qada' tido...
the next day, we went to Fiza's wedding kat Baling...it takes almost 1/2 hr from AS...
enjoy the picca...
the next day, we went to Fiza's wedding kat Baling...it takes almost 1/2 hr from AS...
enjoy the picca...

-- kebetulan time kiteorg smpi, die org tgh bersanding --

die org ni duk makan lame gile...makan x hengat nyer...

dah abis makan tp x reti² nak bangun lak tu...

razo yg masih stuck kat luar...

mate masing² yg ntah kemane arah nyer...

n finally...x tau name muke aku plak yg sedey...cacat tul...
congrats to Fiza..semoga kekal hingga ke akhir hayat...jauh gile umah ko wey...tp aku ttp smpi..heheheheh...
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