dah smpi dah..after 45 minutes driving from AS

tu dia...pasar malam nyer...

with his bro...

dan kami...

as usual, my bf pick up me at my house...then we straight away went to N*S*K since he wanted to buy his groceries...so around 2pm we headed to Sunway...he need to store up brg2 yg dibeli kat umah die dulu, then baru kite org meneruskan misi...aku pun tolong laa angkat bebarang die n suddenly bile dah smpi floor die..die suh aku tunggu situ ( mase tu aku duk sibuk berciter pasal ape ntah...)
n guess what..pintu umah die dah terbukak/ternganga tanpa ade sesaper di dlm...n his brother's laptop dah ilang...gile cemas aku..takut pun ye gak..perompak itu ade lah sgt hebat coz die boley bukak the grill without cacat cela nye...only the Solex dah xde...xde barang lain yg hilang except for the laptop...
after he lodged a police report, then we had our late lunch @ Carls Jr...then sesi mencari baju for him..as he will start with new job in Feb so nak laa beli baju n sluar baru..reason yg x munasabah langsung..managed to buy 3 pants n 1 kemeja..cukup ar tu kan...
later on, we met ledia with her husband..nak pass kan wedding gift yg dah lamer tersimpan kat umah...
early morning dpt call from my kakak sedara..ajak join g picnic kat area ulu yam..since xde plan ape2..me n my mom join skali..my bro smua tgh membute lagi time tu..malas nak kejut....actually aku x tau what is the exact name of that place..it's located at Ulu Yam baru..jalan nak ke Genting..sejuk gile air die...
layan picca je laa eks..malas plak nak citer
yer..dis year i got 3 angpow..one from my bos n the other two from my superior..alhamdulilah..boley laa tambah allowance for shopping ( tgh aim jean @ Pull n Bear niee...)
i have failed my last dec exam..marginal fail..sakit hati jer...sape suruh study last minute...bos baru je panggil tadi..he insist us to re-sit the exam...sampaiiiiiiii pass yer...so next exam will be dis december...once a year jer paper tu..out of 92 yg amik paper tu, only 36 yg pass...as long as company pay..aku on jer...uhuhuh...
smalam, kite org g tgk Bedtime Stories kat Cineleisure...actually, plan nye..bf aku ajak join with his frens(M*M*U frens)..first, tgk movie(memula aku x tau pun die org ni booking citer ape je) n second, after movie..just lepak n borak n gosip n update...so aku pun join je laa eventhough aku x kenal sgt pun kengkawan die yg ni..aku just tau 2 or 3 mamat ni je..die org nye gf pun aku x knal...
around 430 pm kite org smpi cineleisure...we straight away headed to Ikea coz nak pekena itu meatball n daim cake..disebabkan there were 2 foreigners yg Q dpn kite org terhegeh meng order..lambat arr kami..terpaksa makan dlm keadaan nak cepat..the movie ticket actually 535pm..amik ko..dh lepas makan nak berlari balik ke gcineleisure..mengah+semput..!
the movie was not bad..klakar gile..sonok arr..after abis je movie tu, die org ajak gi lepak2..mase tu around 7pm plus ar..ramai gile org dah smpi area Curve tu to celebrate new year..jalan siap tutup lagi..x kuasa tul aku nak bersesak2 kat situ..around 9pm kite org pun mintak diri nak balik dgn alasan "nak kena antar gf aku ni dulu..die duk jauh.." huh...
happy new year 2009..!