my plan is, meet julie+sarah n makan² + gosip sket..then after that i will send the cupcakes straight to his tu hanye plan jer...i do inform him that i wanna meet julie+sarah dis evening @ pa*vi*lion...then die kate ok arr...while waiting for julie, aku call die tanye ade g memane ke tonite?..then he replied: "tido je..since training sgt memenatkan..." tp surrounding bunyi tu bkn mcm kat umah coz bising..aku tanye lagi...kat umah ker? then he replied..yup...
julie reached with the box of cupcakes n kite org plan nak dinner...g je kat western area kat food republic tu...sdg kami menelek ape yg boley di order, afiq call...n tanye korang lepak mane? aku ckp foodcourt arr...then x smpi bape minit..die dah muncul...

--happy 7th Annivesary dear--
cupcakes by Yummillicious cupcakes
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