this event actually held on 13th of Sept...dis year kite org just plan yg simple jer...for dis year..kite org combine with ex PBMKM...mmu gak kan...setelah syaz n me together berdiskusi..kite org just choose Kelantan Delight @ Sooka Sentral..senang..dkt...n booking x yah bayar dulu..tu yg terbaik...
actually..kite org book for bersila due to some technical problem ker..ape ntah..kite org just dpt the VIP room smpi balcony tu...aku smpi lambat..reached there smua dah berbuka dah je missed part camner boley ade pertukaran tu...dis will be a yearly event...received kad kawen (yus) for next month...sronok bile gather ramai² nie...byk yg boley update..maklum arr..smua dah keje memacam citer ader...
enjoy the picca...

enjoy the picca...

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