hasil pertama...just 5 helai je...color smua pun seakan2 serupa jer...tp mmg worth buying laa kan...

dis top from sg wang je...mmg tgh carik black n white pun...at first nak gi kedai yg all RM 25 tu..but before smpi kedai tu..nmpk plak kedai yg jual dis top...trus masuk..n tgk dis one is more cheaper..ape lg..sauk je...
n dis 2 shoes i bought from school warehouse je...the black one tu suke part blakang die tu...n the simple wedges is for buat belasah...
n last monday, myself together with my mom n my sister, planning nak pi MJ..but last minute my mom has to change the planned..coz ptg tu die ade meeting plak...then kite org just pusing pekan rawang..bley ke..went to Nagoya...n kite org dah je membeli ntah bape pasang kain ntah..smpi kakak yg tolong guntingkn kain tu pening je kan...myself just bought 2 pasang...black n white..n one chiffon hijau kuning...kedua2 sudah dihantar ke tailor..
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