as usual..kalau friday..mmg dah xde mood nak buat keje kann...macam dh pikir weekend ni nak buat ape,nak gi mane..n nak shopping ape..n memacam lagi arr...for this week, mmg je akan celebrate my bf nye birthday...this coming sunday...ape yg aku nak buat ek...after 6 years, mcm dah kekeringan idea laks...Angel( or kekeringan $$$$) hahahaah....

for last weekend, sunday gi PIKOM with my dad dah pesan suh beli printer..printer yg kat umah ni dah x ley print..x tau susah arr die nak print ape yg die dah book kann...kite org gerak dr umah around 11 camtu..park our car kat KL Sentral...then naik Putra to KLCC...trus gi KLCCC, carik printer yg di pesan...bile dah beli..mmg je susah nak bergerak since printer tu berat n we all lupe nak bawak mom n i terpaksa laaa mengheret je beg plastic tu..x larat wey...berat...kalau model yg biasa maybe ringan but yg model yg dipesan ni berat semacam je...uhuhuhhu...then, my dad pesan suh gi Sony Centre kat KLCC, beli kan Sport pack for his handycam n memory mom actually dah malas nak gi Sony centre ngan nak bawak printer tu..but i cakap karang my dad bising laks tak dpt barang la jugak Sony Center...the sport pack tu kena order n the memory stick for 1GB is out of stock...pastu...sempat lagi gi M&S, my mom nak window kat sane..carik kasut...xde yg berkenan...then trus balik....

monday laks,nite...afiq ajak gi MV..since die off..die nak gi tgk movie..he fetched me kat umah then we straight away gi MV...we all tgk Mr Bean Holiday...ingat kan x penuh...penuh erk all the seat..smpi bawah² tu...kali ni Mr Bean nye lawak mcm bley di terima sket coz xde yg lawak bodoh tu..huhuhu..Shades

last tuesday n wednesday laks, i had to attend Control Self Assessment for Account Receiveable Workshop...smua in GL had to attend's handle by Group of Internal Audit TM...terbaik jugak gi coz baru aku tau nape slame ni student slalu complain pasal finance ni..we had to determine wat are the risk and control for the situation...huhuhuhh...gain a lot in the workshop eventhough ngantuks gaks....Tongue


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