actually, i'm on leave for the last 2 days...we all need to clear up half of the AL by this skrang ni balance cuti aku ade lg 7 hari for May and June...ntah bile nak amik pun x tau...maybe time khusna kawen...
ok...monday aku gi imbi..find motherboard for his computer...pusing2 kat imbi tu, finally jumpe gak motherboard yg dikehendaki...after negotiate with the uncle...dpt harga yg sg wang to withdraw some cash..sempat menyinggah Donut Empire...first time try...apsal laa smua dah mcm JCo je kann...bley tahan laa but chocolate die terlampau cair arr...lepas selesai smua nyer, gi plak sunway pyramid...parkson kan ade bought his perfume n aku xde mood plak nak mencari baju²...then my brother called, ask us to fetch my dad kat kl sentral pkl 1 pagi...uhuhh..die x larat coz the next day die kite org pun decide, camni je makan kat uptown damansara, then balik umah aku jap..mandi..then kluar...
the next day nye plak, after zohor, my bf call for makan kat chicken hartz tu...makan selagi boley kan...which is mmg laa x bley masuk smua nyer...we had lunch together with his bro ( lecturer kat Taylor College tu )...smbil makan sambil citer pasal ape kah itu coffee? apekah beza nye nescafe and coffee..? and senang citer ape ada disebalik coffee...hahahahah...after lunch, which is dalam pkl 4 lebey camtu, gerak to Klang...mission kami ke klang ialah utk mencari rim utk kete die...not mine...after pilih memilih rim yg bersesuaian...trus pasang ari tu gak...after settle smua nyer, lepak kat Hakim kat Shah Alam tu with his fren...aku dah je ngantuk giler...smpi umah pun pkl 10 lebey dah...tu pun pecut..uhuhu

- happy birthday to my dear -