i want to watch this movie....
27 Dresses
but...he suggest us to watch this
Spiderwick Chronicles
as a conclusion, tunggu dis weekend...
i want to watch this movie....
27 Dresses
but...he suggest us to watch this
Spiderwick Chronicles
as a conclusion, tunggu dis weekend...
You are Sneakers! |
![]() You dress for the occasion - comfort comes first Your perfect guy? Someone who can keep up with you. You'll find him - but you might have to slow down to see him! |
today my office senyap sunyi...since farah is on leave..then my boss plak x masuk2...but still we kena buat keje...
wanna introduce u my pet..actually, dah 7 months kite org bela...jumpe kat pokok pandan blakang umah...nite before jumpe tu..aku dgr bunyi kucing kuat sgt coz malam tu ujan lebat...then, next morning bgtau mak aku...rupa²nye...ade anak kucing kat situ...my mom said, mase nak amik die..garang giler...dulu, kite org kena gi beli bottle utk susukn die...
skrang ni keje nye asyik makan jer...sesape je gi dapur sure die ikut nye...die x reti nak mix around with other cats...tau nye duk umah n bergurau ngan smua org kat umah...asyik duk gigit org je...sumore die pelik sket...kucing aku ni suke hisap jari bile nak tido...style die tido mmg x mcm kucing lain ke..kite org pun pelik je...
-- tgk style die tido--
actually the wedding date is 27 January 2008
just enjoy the picca yaa...
--julie,syaz, n seth--
--azah n her husband--
--sarah,yus, n zai--
-- the wedding dais--
--the menu--
--the gift--