1st Feb (Federal Territory day)
went to SOGO & Jln TAR n met lin (my ex housemate kat Sri Kembangan dulu)...teman die shopping...aku shopping sket jer...
--ni hasil rembatan minggu lepas sbnarnyer...kasut from vincci...kain+tudung fr Jln TAR..--
7th Feb - 10th Feb (Chinese New Year Holiday)
went to Alor Star...kena attend 2 wedding...
saturday--> alor star
--on the way back from AS to KL--
-pic kureng coz gune 2.0mp pda
13th Feb
on leave...since my parent will be back from Umrah...then fetch them at KLIA
14th Feb
dis morning...my ofismate informed that there will be lion dance at ground floor...actually x laa excited sgt..coz it so happen that suatu ketika dahulu aku penakut tgk lion dance..smpi nyorok dlm fitting room..(mase kecik² laa yer...)
then around 10.30 camtu my ofismate ajak tgk..coz dh lame x tgk..aku pun turun...memula kite org duk tgk die org susun limau smua...amik pic,but no so clear..coz dah crowded kat lobby tu..then bile nak start kite org tgk kat 2nd floor nye balcony kosong..then we decide naik atas arr..view lagi cantik laa kunun nyer...both of us take a video...sdg kusyuk amik video tu..mmg laa die org duk baling limau kat bawah, but suddenly they throw the limau ke atas yer..first time tu ok lagi coz tak laa tinggi sgt die baling...but masuk 2nd time...tinggi giler limau tu di baling smpi cecah siling n kena my O2...n mh phone jatuh dr tingkat 2...abis screen pecahhh... cost to repair the screen pun dah 500 lebey...here are the two option either i repair the screen or just buy a new phone...which one is better...actually, the pda still not repaired yet..coz blom gaji kann...for the time being, i used my old phone...nasib ade lagi kann..habis kecoh satu office...geram tul arrr...
further story: tragedy lion dance..