i took a leave today since my contract will be end this kena laa abiskan cuti..cuti yg bley carry forward pun 4 hari je..cuti yg still available ade 5 mari kite merehatkan diri..
first plan, memula mcm nak gi eye on m'sia...but my bf refused to go there..he said that "memalam laa baru best gi saner..pepagi akan kebuhsanan di sane..malam sure view die cantik..kite gi malam je laa.." yg aku plak " alaa..memalam sure ramai mat rempit arr.."..then finanally end up x jadi gi...after solat jumaat, kiteorg bergerak ke kl..aku m'jadi peneman org yg nak bershopping ni..memula gi Pertama Complex..survey kasut..sememang nye aku x suke gi PC..coz suasana kat situ menyeramkan arr..then x paham susun atur kedai nye..pening aku..dpt beli sluar je kat situ..kasut yg dicari xde yg berkenan..kiteorg had our lunch + dinner kat foodcourt SOGO je..sambil makan, we decided nak gi tgk movie kat KLCC...memula he suggested kite naik public transport je..then aku kate karang dpt movie lambat,sia² je kete aku x bley kluar dr parking SOGO tu drive je gi KLCC...sesampai kat KLCC,trus menuju ke TGV..pastu we decide to watch "Bridge to Terabithia".

meanwhile waiting for the movie, kiteorg gi Royal Sporting House, my bf finally dpt kasut futsal nye..yg aku just survey je..pastu terminat plak kat satu sandal yg amat ringan n sempoi jer..nakkkkk...nnt arr dulu..tunggu end of this month ke..hahahaha
julie sms ajak pi MV with sarah,zai,n yus..the mission is hunting for wedding present Kinah...we first gathered at Kenny Rogers around 2.30..setelah mengisi perut..baru laa bley m'jalankan mission..
we went to La Senza, bought sumthing not only for Kinah, but aku pun turut membeli utk diri sndri...
then, gi Aussino..sbg pelengkap our present..around pkl 6.30 pm camtu, yus dah bising lapar kiteorg pun gi foodcourt, isi perut lgk..huhuuh...(actually yus n sarah je yg makan beriya²)..after gosip² n perut pun dah kenyang,kami pun beransur pulang ke umah...
-Mission Accomplished-

~model yg perasan
pagi after settle kan keje² umah,(since my parent gi Kuching, n tinggal kiteorg je adik beradik,kena aarr settle kan smua keje umah dulu kann..)jemput my bf n straight nak gi umah mak ngah die kat tmn bukit maluri..nak jumpe shifa since die berjaya dpt Sek Seri Puteri..sesmpi di saner,die org satu family takde kat umah..tu aa kunun² nak surprise..uhuuhh...then trus je gi Cineleisure..sesmpi di saner, trus pi beli tiket..yerlahh malam tadi try nak booking tiket smua nyer fully booked..first time tgk kat bangat..coz seats die sooo comfortable eks..we watched Mukhsin..erm..citer die mmg buat satu panggung gelak ke ngan gelagat si Orked tu..ganas bdk ni..but the ending, i blur sket arr..maybe ade sambungan ker????